- Richard Mayer
In able to figure out what makes multimedia oh-so trendy is first to know and understand what multimedia exactly is. Multimedia is all about using more than one medium of expression or communication (pictures, sound, animation, and text) and incorporating and weaving them together interactively.
In the modern world, technology has developed and advanced to a great extent. As a result of which the expectations of the present generation is increasing in terms of ideas and concepts, and how a certain information or topic will be presented to them.
Multimedia offers exciting possibilities for meeting the needs of 21st century learners. Multimedia learning can be defined in a number of ways. We define multimedia learning as the delivery of instructional content using multiple modes that include visual and auditory information and the peoples use of this information to construct knowledge.
Our generation, the 21st century learners, can simply be called "digital natives", a term to distinguish between those who have grown up with technology and those who have adapted to it. We live in a world in which digital technology is part of the texture of our daily lives. We have never known a world without technology. Technology is our native language. So we evidently feed into the information we need using technology and media.
A recent study in a University in England has shown that the brain processes information using two channels —visual and auditory. When information is presented using both channels, the brain can accommodate more new information. By taking advantage of this multi-modal processing capability and technology-based tools, we can dramatically enhance our learning through multimedia instruction.
By using multiple channels of working memory, multimedia content can increase the likelihood that information will be effectively integrated into long term memory and not lost. For example, a narrated animation that balances the presentation of content between the animation and the narration (and keeps the amount of text to a minimum) is more likely to be effective.
Also, creative industries such as advertisement, public relations, journalism and many more require this form of rich media. Film and entertainment firms make its extensive use for the purpose of entertaining their target audiences. Animated films are becoming more popular than ever before. Online games are also becoming popular. Engineering industries require this form of media in computer simulations. Mathematical and scientific researches require simulation and modeling. For instance, scientist may prepare a molecular model and manipulate it accordingly. Forensic and investigation bureau often require this form of content in order to investigate and understand the crime.
Multimedia proves that information should be presented in different ways to engage learners with different learning styles and strengths.Examples of Multimedia
image from: igcsecomputerstudiesforyou.blogspot.com